“The Well. The Wall. The Will.”

“The Well. The Wall. The Will.”

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In every relationship that matters
there’s a common ground,
a meeting place,
where uncommon people
draw the same water.

It’s where differences
their power to divide.


For every person who does not believe in Jesus
there’s a wall
that stands between them and faith;
it’s a wall that’s insurmountable.

Until it isn’t.

For every person who does believe
that wall seems to be gone.
Was it pulled down?
Or were they lifted over?


In regard to faith in Jesus,
every person has a decision to make:
to believe.
or not.

What influences that decision?
Can that decision
be tilted toward Jesus
by the influence of a relationship that matters?


During our current series of talks, we’re looking at a story about the time that Jesus struck up a conversation – with a woman he shouldn’t have – in a place he shouldn’t have been – and that impromptu interaction turned into a relationship that mattered – for her, for her friends, and for his.

Join us as we look for the “Walls” and the “Wells” in our own lives
and talk about what it looks like for us to tilt our own wills toward Jesus
and build Jesus-tilting relationships-that-matter with others.

It’s all about removing obstacles to faith, brick by brick.

March 5
“The Art of Engagement”
A study of John 4:1-26

March 12
“The Heart of What Matters”
A study of John 4:27-38

March 19
“The Part of Invitation”
A study of John 4:39-42

Our faith community gathers at Capital Church each Sunday at 9 & 11 am.

Come early, grab a cup of coffee, meet friendly people, enjoy engaging music, and learn what the Bible says to us about truth and life.[/builder_content]