Current Sermon Series

Current Sermon Series

Life on Mission – Current Series

10/13/24 | Week 1

Little Verses…BIG IMPACT

8/11/24 | Luke 17:32

8/18/24 | 1 Thessalonians 5:16

8/25/24 | 1 Thessalonians 5:17

9/1/24 | 1 Corinthians 16:14

9/8/24 | John 11:35 (Craig Richey, Chi Alpha Speaking)

9/15/24 | Luke 20:30

9/22/24 | 1 Thessalonians 5:19

9/29/24 | Job 3:2

10/6/24 | Missions Sunday

Being The Building

6/2/24 | Ephesians 1:23

6/9/24 | Ephesians 2:21

6/16/24 | Father’s Day Guest Speaker – Craig Richey, Chi Alpha Queens

6/23/24 | Ephesians 3:10

6/30/24 | Ephesians 3:17

7/7/24 | Ephesians 4:12

7/14/24 | Ephesians 5:18

7/21/24 | Communion Sunday

7/28/24 | Dream Team Expo

8/4/24 | Ephesians 6:10-19

Fresh Move

Series Sermons:

4/14/24 | Ezekiel 47:9

4/21/24 | Revelation 3:16

4/28/24 | Matthew 21:18-19 vs. Luke 13:6-9

5/5/24 | Jeremiah 17:7-8

5/12/24 | Guest Speaker: Greg Hubbard

5/19/24 | Exodus 16:3

5/26/24 | Matthew 25:14-30


Series Sermons:

3/10/24 | Week 1

3/17/24 | Week 2

3/24/24 | Week 3

3/31/24 | Week 4 – Easter Sunday

4/7/24 | Week 5

What Lies Ahead

Series Sermons:

2/11/24 | Week 1

2/18/24 | Week 2

2/25/24 | Week 3

3/3/24 | Week 4

A Praying Church

Series Sermons:

1/7/24 | Why Pray Together?

1/14/24 | What is the Church?

1/21/24 | How the Spirit Reshapes a Praying Community

1/28/24 | The Art of Praying Together

2/4/24 | Specialized Praying in Community

Christmas The Gift of Hope

Series Sermons:

11/26/23 | The Hope of Change

12/3/23 | The Hope of Joy

12/10/23 | The Hope of Miracles

12/17/23 | The Hope of Forgiveness

12/24/23 | The Hope of Unconditional Love

12/31/23 | The Hope of His Return

Why We Give

Series Sermons:

10/1/23 | Week 1

10/8/23 | Week 2

10/15/23 | Week 3

10/22/23 | Week 4

10/29/23 | Week 5

11/5/23 | Week 6

11/12/23 | Week 7

11/19/23 | Week 8

As One

Series Sermons:

8/13/23 | Week 1

8/20/23 | Week 2

8/27/23 | Week 3

9/3/23 | Week 4

9/10/23 | Week 5

9/17/23 | Week 6

9/24/23 | Week 7

Love God Love People

Series Sermons:

6/4/23 | Week 1

6/11/23 | Week 2

6/18/23 | Father’s Day

6/25/23 | When You are Not Loved

7/2/23 | Love Isn’t a Game

7/9/23 | The 10 Commandments of Love

7/16/23 | Because Jesus said so (Guest, Pastor Leon Lamoy)

7/23/23 | How to Love Someone Different than You

7/30/23 | Loving All In

8/6/23 | Guest Speaker: Missionary to Germany

The Art of Being Unordinary

Romans 12:2 calls us to not conform to the pattern of this world. Join us as Dr. Jason Karampatsos encourages us to break the mold and live an extraordinary life by living an unordinary life.

Series Sermons:

4/23/23 | Week 1

4/30/23 | Week 2

5/7/23 | Week 3

5/14/23 | Week 4

5/21/23 | Week 5

5/28/23 | Week 6


There are times in life when we need more than help – we need rescue. We need someone to step into our situation and deliver us. In this Easter series, Dr. Jason Karampatsos walks us through some biblical examples that light the way to our ultimate rescue – through Jesus Christ.

Series Sermons:

3/19/23 | Adam & Eve

3/26/23 | David & Goliath

4/2/23 | Daniel in the Lion’s Den

4/9/23 | The Cross

4/16/23 | Resurrection

A Firm Foundation

We can’t stay the same when there are those who don’t know His name.

Series Sermons:

2/12/23 | Healthy Families
2/19/23 | Discipleship
2/26/23 | Holy Spirit
3/5/23 | Serving
3/12/23 | Diversely Unified

Prayer & Fasting

“Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again.” -Philippians 3

As we walk through our 21 days of Fasting and Prayer, we are examining the truths found in Philippians 3.

Series Sermons:

01/08/2023: Part 1
01/15/2023: Part 2
01/22/2023: Part 3
01/29/2023: Part 4

The Name

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel…” – Isaiah 7:14

Join us as as Dr. Jason Karampatsos goes through the Names of God.

Series Sermons:

11/27/2022: Part 1
12/04/2022: Part 2
12/11/2022: Part 3
12/18/2022: Part 4
12/25/2022: Part 5
12/29/2022: Part 6

Giving Up

“The Spirit of God has made me; breath of the Almighty gives me life” – Job 33:4

Join us as Dr. J goes through the series “Giving Up.”

Series Sermons:

10/23/2022: Part 1
10/30/2022: Part 2
11/06/2022: Part 3
11/13/2022: Part 4
11/20/2022: Part 5

What on Earth are WE here for?

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth.” – Acts 1:8

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He left His disciples with one mission: make disciples of all nations. Join us as Dr. Jason Karampatsos builds on the last sermon series “What on Earth am I Here for?” to help us understand how our individual, God-given purpose intersects with the purposes of others right were we live to help fulfill this one goal of connecting our communities to Christ.

Series Sermons:

09/11/2022: Part 1
09/18/2022: Part 2
09/25/2022: Part 3
10/02/2022: Part 4
10/16/2022: Part 6

What on Earth am I HERE for?

“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” – C.T. Studd

Why am I here? What is my purpose? We’ve all asked these questions at times. Join us as Dr. Jason Karampatsos explores this important question to help us understand who we are in God’s creation and how we can take the answers God gives us to glorify Him.

Current Series:

08/07/2022: Part 1
08/14/2022: Part 2
08/21/2022: Part 3
08/28/2022: Part 4
09/04/2022: Part 5